Sunday, January 17, 2010

hey ppl i've moved my blog to

Saturday, January 9, 2010

happy new year!

since this blog is about my "adventures" as a PG student lemme start this new year with this quote "PG is like a public toilet, those who're out can't wait to get in..n those who're in can't wait to get out!"
dats exactly wats happening to me right in another 3 months and 12 days i'll officially be in final year but 3 months seem like galaxies away! the reason i didnt post for so long was coz i was really really caught up wid work including one convention & a national conference.. nyways since it's the first week of 2010 so i thot dat now is the time to make my regular annual New Year Resolutions. Next week I can begin paving hell with them as usual. so herez my list..
  1. I will beg borrow or steal an ipod to save my ear drums from d "saat samandar", "dhak dhak", n "tu cheez badi hai mast" kinda songs dat are blasted out by d tempo drivers here..
  2. Refuse to be chronically blinded by irritation from ppl (& their stuff) who dont mean a thing to me which includes my dumbwitted no good loser of a junior and his saliva balls coated moustache.
  3. stop replying "im fine how r u" to ppl on orkut/facebook who i spent years forgetting but ended up adding anyways..
  4. stop using profanity everytime i swing my first leg outta dat warm bed to get ready for my f***all college!
  5. send a love letter to uttar pradesh vidyut nigam for no power cuts since last 29 hours
  6. stop using "rice watery stool with unstoppable diarrhoea" as an excuse everytime i want a last minute urgent leave from my HOD coz he suspects it's me when anyone does d "gas chamber" thingie frm 3 idiots..
  7. stop making new year resolutions from next year.
  8. stop blaming "grihas", "nakshatras" n "picchle janam ke paap" for not being able to go beyond the 5th line everytime i open my books.
  9. shave my legs atleast once a year even though they've been clad in salwaar-kameez for d past one n half years wid just me to appreciate them in their full lustrous hairy glory.
  10. will remember to ask a patient if shez married BEFORE asking if shez pregnant esp if ur located in one of d most conservative areas of western Uttar pradesh. Being angrily stared at by a 24 yr old gaaon ki gori who happened to have a fat abdomen...uhoh..not a great way to start a new year..
  11. send a thanku mail to nokia and a hate mail to suraj distemper pvt ltd for d zillion dents on my room walls everytime i throw my nokia 3315 on 'em in frustration/blood boiling rage. my torchwala cell continues to be my connecting medium to d civilization.
  12. stop using d excuse "my laptop crashed" everytime im not able to do my senior's boring paper work.. they say in india goddess saraswati sits on ur tongue...i learnt dis fact d hard way:(
  13. calling d canteen wala chhotu by his real name n not "chhotu" more often..dat ways he'll stick to his promise of not touching his herpes labialis when he pours ur tea.
  14. try not to roll my eyes everytime those auntyjees n unclejees try to talk ur mom into getting her "ageing" daughter married... u see coz their dollyz n preetiiz n happyz n buntyz got married when i was still in my BDS third year..
  15. last n d most important being nice to people n NOT cutting them short when they rant about their scheming daughter-in-laws or their connections to the vidhayak of dat region or how much d tempowaalas charge these days, even though d reason why ur talking to them in d first place is coz they have sensitivity to hot and cold in their left lower third molar..